Providing Carpet Cleaning Services in Gracemere

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Residential & Commercial

Are your carpets looking a little dull? Is the tile and grout in your kitchen in need of a professional clean? Has it been a while since you’ve booked a pest inspection and thought it better to be safe than sorry? At Prestige Carpet Cleaning, we provide carpet, tile and upholstery cleaning, as well as pest control services for residential and commercial clients throughout Gracemere and surrounding areas. Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art equipment and environmentally friendly cleaners to ensure your property’s surfaces are clean, contaminant-free and smelling fresh. What’s more, our prices always put a smile on our clients faces. Ready to get started? Contact Prestige Carpet Cleaning in Gracemere today for a free, no-obligation quote. We’ve been the go-to carpet cleaning business in the region since 1994.

Our Services

At Prestige Carpet Cleaning, we provide a wide range of cleaning services for residential and commercial clients throughout Gracemere and surrounding areas. These include:

For more than 20 years, our experienced team has kept carpets, tiles and more clean and contaminant-free. Best of all, our prices are highly competitive. Get in touch with our friendly team today to book a time that best suits you.

Carpet Cleaning with Vacuum Cleaner - Carpet Cleaning in Rockhampton, QLD

Our skilled team—using the latest steam cleaning technology—provides carpet cleaning services for homes and businesses throughout Gracemere and surrounds.

Sick of scrubbing tiles and grout? At Prestige Carpet Cleaning in Gracemere, we provide first-rate tile and grout cleaning services, removing all traces of dirt, mould, stains and debris. 

Give your furniture a refresh with Prestige Carpet Cleaning. We provide high-quality upholstery cleaning services in Gracemere, removing all common contaminants from chairs, couches and fabrics.

At Prestige Carpet Cleaning, we provide emergency water extraction services for residential and commercial clients throughout Gracemere and surrounds. We also partner with insurance companies when a claim is needed.

Ants treating your home like its theirs? We provide first-rate pest control services for residential clients throughout Gracemere and surrounding areas. Ants, spiders, cockroaches—we eliminate them all!

Carpet Cleaning Extraction Method - Carpet Cleaning in Rockhampton, QLD

Frequently Asked Questions

Emergency water extraction is the process of removing water (often floodwater) from carpets, furniture and internal structures in order to prevent mould, permanent water damage and bacteria growth. Specialised equipment, such as air humidifiers and driers, are required and therefore are best conducted by an experienced professional.

The cost of pest control depends on the business. Some charge an hourly rate, others a flat fee. According to, the average cost of pest control for a 3-bedroom home costs about $130. The cost is also dependent on the service required. For example, a routine pest inspection will generally cost less than a termite removal service.

A professional carpet clean is certainly worth it. If you’re renting, a carpet clean is expected when you move out. As for home and business owners, having your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year is important. Not only does it effectively remove dirt, dust and stains that have accumulated over time, but it’s also improves air quality, which is important for people who suffer from respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

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